Dynamic libraries with Rust

Sometimes you need to run some functions that are provided by a 3rd party, or the code must be configurable at runtime. This is where dynamic libraries come in handy. In Linux those libraries end with the extension .so while in macOS they have the extension .dylib. Windows uses the extension .dll for dynamic libraries. Dynamic libraries in Rust According to the Rust documentation there are two types of dynamic libaries: [Read More]

My Visual Studio Code Settings

All of those setting serve the purpose of saving me from being put in a mental institution editor.hover.delay Moving around with the mouse pointer, those hints popping up immediatly drive me crazy. A delay makes it a bit less annoying editor.inlayHints.enabled Especially with rust-analyzer, which is putting in hints for the datatypes everywhere, this is annoying for two reasons: Since rust datatypes are huge (Result<Something<Mutex<dyn std::Error<String>>, infinite insanity>>>), lines are too long Depending on where the cursor is, the hint is shown or not, making the caret jump around all the. [Read More]

Arch Docker Cheatsheet

Install docker

sudo pacman -S docker

Install docker compose plugin

sudo pacman -S docker-compose

Enable docker service

sudo systemctl enable docker.service

Start docker service

sudo systemctl start docker.service

Fix permission problem

Add docker group
sudo groupadd docker
Add your user to the new group
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
Login with new group
newgrp docker

Arch Flutter Quickstart

This quickstart for Flutter on Arch Linux is based on this tutorial. Prerequisites yay Install dart yay -S dart Check the dart installation with: dart --version Install android tools yay -S android-tools Install Flutter yay -S flutter Check flutter installation with: flutter --version Install Visual Studio Code extension Install the Flutter extension in Visual Studio Code Check installation flutter doctor In my case, this was the output: Doctor summary (to see all details, run flutter doctor -v): [✓] Flutter (Channel , 3. [Read More]